Olympus FV1000MPE

Upright Single- and Multiphoton Fluorescence Microscope

Excitation lasers at: 405nm, 458nm, 488nm, 515nm, 559nm, 635nm, and a MaiTai DeepSee Titanium-sapphire laser (690-1040nm), which allows for imaging of structures at depths up to 1.1mm.  

The microscope includes the following options:  
Multiphoton excitation allows for investigations on thick living tissue specimens that would not otherwise be possible with conventional imaging techniques.

Simultaneous Laser Light Stimulation and Imaging for a variety of applications, including FRAP (Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching), FLIP (Fluorescence loss in photobleaching), photo-activation, photo-conversion, uncaging, laser ablation and many others.    

Differential Interference Contrast revealing the topographical profile of the specimen.    

Location: V18-602d-0