2 conference grant from Danish Bioimaging Network

The Danish Bioimaging support grant to cover participation of two invited young researchers to the meeting.



Thanks to Danish Bioimaging Network (https://www.danishbioimaging.dk) we can now can offer 2 conference grants to cover participation fees and hotel accommodation (equal to 5015dkk) in our conference Biological and pharmaceutical applications of CRS microscopy for 2 young researchers at a PhD and postdoc level.

The conference will take place in Odense, Denmark, 2-4 of December 2019.


To apply for the grant, please send:

  • Your motivation letter (1 page maximum)
  • Conference abstract (1 page maximum, Times New Roman Font, size 12, include names and affiliations in the abstract and reference list)
  • Full details about the affiliation, position, name and address
  • In subject write CRS conference grant application

to vita(at)sdu.dk before the 15th of September 2019.


Aug 21, 2019 Category: General Posted by: vitaadmin
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