
The DaMBIC is equipped for imaging of samples ranging from single molecules and cells to tissue and small animals.

We have the state-of-the-art microscopy equipment for almost all kind of imaging modalities.  

DaMBIC Equipment (All microscopes, image analysis workstations and supporting equipments)

Nikon Center of Excellence Equipment (NCOE) (All equipments at DaMBIC which are part of NCOE)


Which microscope to choose:

For fast, straightforward imaging you probably need a widefield system.
Confocal and spinning disk, are ideal to image samples that are thicker than 10 um.
For very thick samples, multiphoton microscopy may be needed.
TIRF systems are used to image the area of the cell close to the coverslip.
If you need to resolve structures smaller than 250-350 nm, you will need super resolution like STED, SIM or STORM.
- But please contact us to discuss your application or scientific aim and we can find the most optimal technique together.